Uncovering the promises & challenges of aid localization

On 30 April, Global Finance StrategiesDevex and InsideNGO brought together top development experts to discuss a growing trend in the development world: the shift by major aid donors toward giving money directly to developing country governments and local NGOs, bypassing traditional international development organizations.

Participants included:

  • Raj Kumar, President and Editor-in-Chief, Devex
  • Ariel Pablos-Méndez, Assistant Administrator, USAID 
  • Carlos Carrazana, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Save the Children
  • Karen Sichinga, Executive Director, The Churches Health Association of Zambia
  • Elizabeth Warfield, Local Solutions Coordinator, USAID
  • Linn Dorin, Principal, Global Finance Strategies
  • Tom Dente, Chief Operating Officer, InsideNGO

The Launch Webcast


This discussion was the official launch of a new report titled, "Going Local: The Promise & Challenge of Aid Localization".  Developed by Global Finance Strategies, this report sheds light on some of the challenges and solutions resulting from aid localization for operations professionals working on the ground to administer aid programs. This story has gone largely untold, even though it has a direct impact on the overall effectiveness of aid. Report findings come from a survey and in-depth interviews with more than 50 leaders in the development field.


#GoingLocal: Participant coverage of the conversation

Through the use of Twitter, we asked the community to help us capture the conversation through the use of #GoingLocal. Below is a snapshot of the coverage and some of the major themes that emerged. 

Sustainability should be at the forefront of the discussion

A shift in organization mindset is needed

Accountability vs. Delivery 

Listening & Responding to the need

Embracing & managing Risk


IN the News

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